

This method provides availability information with the cheapest fare option available. The request includes single query. The search request contains optional field of Return Date.

Difference Between Normal and Special Return Search

Normal Return - Can be two different airline or same airline with two fares for each outbound and inbound.

Special Return - Same Airline for outbound and inbound with a single combined fare.

Important Notes

  • 1. Result index of OB is for the outbound journey whereas the result index of IB is for the inbound journey.
  • 2. In Domestic return (For both normal return and special return), you will receive both results index differently but in international return (For both normal return and special return), both segments will come under a single result index.
  • 3. In case of the domestic normal return, you have call methods (Fare quote to Ticket ) twice for two different result indexes i.e OB and IB.
  • 4. In the case of the domestic special return, you have to send both result indexes (comma separated) in the same method.
  • 5. In the case of Special return, you will receive different airline for OBs and IBs search response, you have combined and pass the same airline for OB and IB in the request of fare quote.

Time Zone Difference of Air

  • Eg. The time duration from 02:50 to 05:15 is 2hrs 25mins for Dubai
  • As Dubai time difference is 1 hr 30mins, Therefore when you add 1 hr 30mins and 2hrs 25mins you will get 3hrs 55mins.

Time difference mentioned in highlighted is the zonal time difference as per country which you need to calculate at your end

Service URL (REST) to be used:

Search Request
LevelElementFormatCommentsMandatory/ Optional
1EndUserIpStringIP Address of the end userMandatory
2TokenIdStringToken ID (Token Id to be echoed back from Authenticate response)Mandatory
3AdultCountIntegerNumber of adults except for Advance SearchMandatory
4ChildCountIntegerNumber of children (except for Advance Search. Minimum value should be 0)Mandatory
5InfantCountIntegerNumber of infants (except for Advance Search. Minimum value should be 0)Mandatory
6DirectFlightBooleanIf it is TRUE only direct flight will come. (Value – True or False)Optional
7OneStopFlightBooleanIf it is true only one stop flights will come (Value – True or False)Optional
8JourneyTypeEnumeration Specify journey type (1 - OneWay, 2 - Return, 3 - Multi Stop, 4 - AdvanceSearch, 5 - Special Return)Mandatory
9PreferredAirlinesString[]This filter works only on GDS airline (null for All) i.e. ["AI","9W"]Optional
10Segments []List of segments
10.1OriginStringOrigin city code (e.g. DEL)Mandatory
10.2DestinationStringDestination city code(e.g. BOM)Mandatory
10.3FlightCabinClassEnumeratorCabin class (1 for All, 2 for Economy, 3 for PremiumEconomy, 4 for Business, 5 for PremiumBusiness, 6 for First)Mandatory
10.4PreferredDepartureDate TimePreferred departureMandatory
Date TimeFormat: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss (2015-08-10T00:00:00 for any time 2015-08-10T08:00:00 for Morning Flights 2015-08-10T14:00:00 for Afternoon Flights 2015-08-10T19:00:00 for Evening Flights 2015-08-10T01:00:00 for Night Flights)
10.5PreferredArrivalTimPreferred arrival date (same as above) Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssMandatory
11SourcesString[]Airline Sources For Normal OW/RT (GDS - Amadeus/Galileo SG - SpiceJet 6E - Indigo G8 - Go Air G9 - Air Arabia FZ - Fly Dubai IX - Air India Express AK - Air Asia LB - Air Costa For LCC Spl Return: SG - SpiceJet 6E - Indigo G8 - Go Air For GDS Spl Return: GDS For Advance Search: GDS - Amadeus/Galileo For MultiStop Search: GDS - Amadeus/Galileo)Optional
Search Response
LevelElementFormatCommentsMandatory/ Optional
1TraceId StringTrace ID (Trace Id to be echoed back in further requests valid for 15 minutes only)Mandatory
2OriginStringOrigin city codeMandatory
3DestinationStringDestination city codeMandatory
4Results [ ]Array of elementArray of the flight results (Can be blank in case no found for requested flights search)Mandatory
4.1ResultIndexStringResult IndexMandatory
4.2SourceStringAirline Source ( NotSet = 0 SpiceJet = 3 Amadeus = 4 Galileo = 5 Indigo = 6 GoAir = 10 AirArabia = 13 AirIndiaExpress = 14 AirIndiaExpressDom = 15 FlyDubai = 17 AirAsia = 19 IndigoCoupon = 24 SpiceJetCoupon = 25 GoAirCoupon = 26 IndigoTBF = 27 SpiceJetTBF = 28 GoAirTBF = 29 IndigoSPLCoupon = 30 SpiceJetSPLCoupon = 31 GoAirSPLCoupon = 32 IndigoCrpFare = 36 SpiceJetCrpFare = 37 GoAirCrpFare = 38 IndigoDstInv = 42 SpiceJetDstInv = 43 GoAirDstInv = 44 AirCosta = 46 MalindoAir = 47 BhutanAirlines = 48 AirPegasus = 49 TruJet = 50)Mandatory
4.3IsLCCBooleanIs the result for LCC or Non LCC (Value – True or False)Mandatory
4.4IsRefundableBooleanIs the fare refundableMandatory
4.5AirlineRemarksStringAirline remarksOptional
4.6.2BaseFareDecimalThe total Base fare of the bookingMandatory
4.6.3TaxDecimalThe total tax of the bookingMandatory
4.6.4YQTaxDecimalIt is Fuel surcharge. It is part of TaxMandatory
4.6.5AdditionalTxnFeeOfrdDecimalIt is additional Transaction fee that API User can charge from the customer but TBO will not charge it from you as per airline (It will always be zero)Mandatory
4.6.6AdditionalTxnFeePubDecimalIt is additional Transaction fee that API User can charge from the customer but TBO will not charge it from you as per airline (It will always be zero)Mandatory
4.6.7OtherChargesDecimalSome additional charge by airline airport.Mandatory
4.6.8ChargeBU[]It will contain different charge breakup that is service charge or Credit card charge.For details please refer ChargeBraekUp structureMandatory Mark-upMandatory ChargeMandatory ChargeMandatory
4.6.9DiscountDecimalThe total discount amount of the booking. Will be zero for API customer.Mandatory
4.6.10PublishedFareDecimalPublished FareMandatory
4.6.11CommissionEarnedDecimalTotal Commission of Agent. Basically it is your profit margin, earning from booking.Mandatory
4.6.12PLBEarnedDecimalPerformance Linked Bonus on a particular airline.Mandatory
4.6.13IncentiveEarnedDecimalIncentive applicable(if any)Mandatory
4.6.14OfferedFareDecimalOffered FareMandatory
4.6.15TdsOnCommissionDecimalTDS on the commission earned.Mandatory
4.6.16TdsOnPLBDecimalTDS on Performance Linked Bonus.Mandatory
4.6.17TdsOnIncentiveDecimalTDS on the incentive earned.Mandatory
4.6.18ServiceFeeDecimalService FeeMandatory
4.7FareBreakdown[]Details of fare breakup into several part. It give fare of Each Passenger Type.
4.7.2PassengerTypeStringPassenger Type Adult – 1 Child – 2 Infant – 3Mandatory
4.7.3PassengerCountIntegerNumber of PassengerMandatory
4.7.4BaseFareDecimalThe total Base fare of the booking for particular pax typeMandatory
4.7.5TaxDecimalThe total tax of the booking for particular pax typeMandatory
4.7.6YQTaxDecimalFuel Surcharge forMandatory
particular pax type
4.7.7AdditionalTxnFeeOfrdDecimalIt is additional Transaction fee that API User can charge from the customer but TBO will not charge it from you as per airline (It will always be zero)Mandatory
4.7.8AdditionalTxnFeePubDecimalIt is additional Transaction fee that API User can charge from the customer butTBO will not charge it from you as per airlineMandatory
4.8.1TripIndicatorIntegerTrip Indicator (1 for Outbound 2 for Inbound flights)Mandatory
4.8.2SegmentIndicatorIntegerSegment Indicator (1 for Outbound 2 for Inbound flights)Mandatory
4.8.3Airline codeMandatory nameMandatory NumberMandatory ClassMandatory CarrierMandatory
4.8.4Origin codeMandatory nameOptional numberOptional codeMandatory nameMandatory codeMandatory nameMandatory
4.8.5DepTimeDate TimeDeparture timeMandatory
4.8.6Destination codeMandatory nameOptional numberOptional codeMandatory nameMandatory codeMandatory nameMandatory
4.8.7ArrTimeDate TimeArrival timeMandatory
4.8.8AccumulatedDurationTimeAccumulated durationOptional
4.8.9DurationTimeDuration (if in case duration is 0 refer the node of Accumulated Duration)Optional
4.8.10GroundTimeTimeGround timeOptional
4.8.13StopPointStringStopover pointOptional
4.8.14StopPointArrivalTimeDate TimeStopover arrival timeOptional
4.8.15StopPointDepartureTimeDate TimeStopover departuretimeOptional
4.8.17IsETicketEligibleBooleanIs E-Ticket eligible (Value – true or false)Mandatory
4.8.18FlightStatusStringFlight statusMandatory
4.9LastTicketDateDate TimeLast ticket dateMandatory
4.1TicketAdvisoryStringTicket AdvisoryOptional
4.11FareRulesThis is the fare rules of the flight fare offered Note: Fare rule details will not be available on search response. Call GetFareRule method to get fare details
4.11.4FareBasisCodeStringFare basis codeMandatory
4.11.5FareRuleDetailString ListFare rule detailsMandatory
4.11.6FareRestrictionStringFare restrictionMandatory
4.11.7AirlineCodeStringAirline codeMandatory
5.1ReissueChargeAmountRe-issuance ChargeOptional