
Cancellation Charges

This method is used to obtain the Cancellation Charges for LCC airlines like Indigo,Spicejet, GoAir.

Service URL (REST) to be used:
Cancellation Request
Level Element Format Comments Mandatory/ Optional
1 EndUserIp String IP Address of the end user Mandatory
2 TokenId String Token ID Mandatory(Token Id to be echoed back from Authenticate response)
3 RequestType Enumeration RequestType Mandatory[FullCancellation = 1,PartialCancellation = 2,Reissuance = 3]
4 BookingId Integer Unique booking id received in Ticket Response Mandatory
5 BookingMode Integer Booking created through Optional[API=5]
Cancellation Response
Level Element Format Comments Mandatory/ Optional
1 TraceId String Trace Id Mandatory
2 ResponseStatus String Response status Mandatory[NotSet = 0,Successfull = 1,Failed = 2,InValidRequest = 3,InValidSession = 4,InValidCredentials = 5]
3 RefundAmount Decimal RefundAmount Mandatory
4 CancellationCharge Decimal CancellationCharge Mandatory
5 Remarks String Remarks Mandatory
6 Currency String Currency Mandatory