

Q1. How to call Authenticate method

Authenticate method will return the Token ID that needs to be echoed back in every subsequent request.

In case of session expiry or log outs, the authenticate method needs to be called again and the updated Token ID

needs to be passed in every subsequent request. Only 1 token should be generated for all transactions.


1. ClientId

2. TokenAgencyId

3. TokenMemberId

4. EndUserIp

Q2. How to identify FareType(SME/Corporate/Coupon etc)

We need to refer AIRLINEREMARKS node for the faretype and the description of that specific AIRLINEREMARK node value will be provided by your salesperson.

Q3. How to call logout method in API

Logout method can be used to kill any existing token (session), forecefully. Once the session is killed, the authenticate method needs to be called again and the updated Token ID needs to be passed in every subsequent request.


1. ClientId

2. TokenAgencyId

3. TokenMemberId

4. EndUserIp

Q4. Why do we use Get Agency balance method

GetAgencyBalance method can be used to know the Agency Balance in TBO Account.


1. ClientId

2. TokenAgencyId

3. TokenMemberId

4. EndUserIp

5. TokenId

Token AgencyId and Token MemberId should be passed as received in Authenticate Response

Q5. How do we use Air Search Method

Search method provides availability information with the cheapest fare option available. The request includes single query. The search request contains optional field of Return Date. 

In case of round trip, this field should be filled with the date of return. When properly submitted, the Search Response returns the available option.

Once the requested query is parsed and validated, the booking engine start searching for the best option in all possible sources. If the search is successful it will return Result object.


1. EndUserIp

2. TokenId

3. AdultCount

4. ChildCount

5. InfantCount

6. DirectFlight

7. OneStopFlight

8. JourneyType

9. PreferredAirlines

10. Segments

11. Origin

12. Destination

13. FlightCabinClass

14. PreferredDepartureTime

15. PreferredArrivalTime

16. Sources

Q6. How to we use Fare Rule in Air Api method

This method is used to get the fare rules and condition of a specific flight option. It contains the fare basis code and the relevant details associated with it, such as restrictions and penalties.


1. EndUserIp

2. TokenId

3. TraceId

4. ResultIndex

Q7. How do we use Fare Quote method in air API

This method is required to re-price the selected itinerary. This method is also accessed to sell/ hold seats for LCC airlines. This is required to make sure that we have the updated price including tax because in some cases, the fare provided at the time of search may change.


1. EndUserIp

2. TokenId

3. TraceId

4. ResultIndex

Q8. How to use SSR method in air API

This method is used to obtain the online prices of Special Service Request like Excess Baggage and Meal for LCC airlines like Indigo, Spice Jet, Air Asia, Air Arabia, Fly Dubai, etc. For LCC Airlines which currently do not support online SSR requests, the SSR request will not return Excess Baggage and meal charges. To avail excess baggage and meal services, the selected baggage and meal needs to be passed in the ticket request with the applicable price. The total price deducted during ticketing would be addition of Offered Fare + Excess Baggage and Meal Charges. This method is also accessed to get available meal and seat options for Non LCC airlines. For Non LCC carriers the meal and seat options received in the SSR response are indicative only and may be added in the ticket request for availing the same. The given information is passed to the GDS/ airline and depending on the availability, the same is provided to the customer. Non LCC airlines do not provide online confirmation for the meal and seat option selected by the customer.


1. EndUserIp

2. TokenId

3. TraceId

4. ResultIndex

Q9. How to use Ticket method in Air Api in case of Lcc flights

This method is to be called to generate ticket for both LCCs and Non LCCs (already booked itinerary). 

Price verification is done before creating a booking/ ticket and PNR No. is returned in case of a successful booking.

In case of Price change or Time change, you will get new fare and/or new time in Book response with IsPriceChanged node and/or IsTimeChanged node set as ‘true’.

The price comparison is to be made at the client’s end, and Book request needs to be sent again with the updated fare and/ or updated time.

Mandatory Parameters for Lcc Flights:

1. EndUserIp

2. TokenId

3. TraceId

4. ResultIndex

5. Passengers

6. PaxType -- 1- Adult 2- Child 3- Infant

7. DateOfBirth--Date time format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

8. Gender-1 – Male 2 – Female

9. PassportExpiry--Date time format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

10. City

11. CountryCode

12. CountryName

13. IsLeadPax ---Value - True/ False

Q10. How and where to use Book method in Air API

Book method is used to hold the Booking of Non LCC airline. Every Non LCC airline must be Hold first before ticketing. It will not work for LCC airline because LCC airline is ticketed directly.

Price verification is done before creating a booking and PNR No. is returned in case of a successful booking.

In case of Price change or Time change, you will get new fare and/or new time in Book response with IsPriceChanged node and/or IsTimeChanged node set as ‘true’.The price comparison is to be made at the client’s end, and Book request needs to be sent again with the updated fare and/ or updated time. Passenger’s Date of Birth and Passport details are optional in book request wherever applicable. However, if not provided in book request then the same needs to be provided in Ticket request.

Mandatory Parameters

1. EndUserIp

2. TokenId

3. TraceId

4. ResultIndex

5. Passengers

6. Title

7. FirstName

8. LastName

9. PaxType -(1- Male 2- Female )

10. DateOfBirth -should be in format (0001-01-01T00:00:00)

11. Gender-(1- Male 2- Female )

12. PassportNo

13. PassportExpiry - should be in format (0001-01-01T00:00:00)

14. AddressLine1

15. City

16. CountryCode

Q11. How to use Ticket method in Air Api in case of Non Lcc flights:

This method is to be called to generate ticket for both LCCs and Non LCCs (already booked itinerary).

Price verification is done before creating a booking/ ticket and PNR No. is returned in case of a successful booking.

In case of Price change or Time change, you will get new fare and/or new time in Book response with IsPriceChanged node and/or IsTimeChanged node set as ‘true’.

The price comparison is to be made at the client’s end, and Book request needs to be sent again with the updated fare and/ or updated time.

Also, in case of Non LCC bookings, if Passenger’s Date of Birth and Passport details are not provided in the book response, then the same needs to be provided when calling ticket method wherever applicable.

Mandatory Parameters






Q12. How to use Get Booking Details method in Air API

This method is used to retrieve booking details and booking status of an existing booking using BookingId, PNR or TraceId as the search parameter. It is typically used after a booking has been made to capture a current snapshot of the reservation. If Booking Id is received as 0 then please call GetBookingDetails using Trace id or PNR with First Name and Last Name of the lead passenger.

Mandatory Parameters

1. EndUserIp

2. TokenId

3. BookingId

4. TraceId

5. PNR

Q13. How to cancel the booking in Air API :

1) SendChangeRequestStatus()

This method is used to send change request or cancel a ticketed booking.

Mandatory Parameters

1) EndUserIp

2) TokenId

3) BookingId—Received from Book or Ticket response

4) RequestType -Possible values can be-(FullCancellation = 1, PartialCancellation =2)

5) CancellationType - Possible values can be - (NoShow = 1, FlightCancelled = 2, Others = 3)

6) Sectors

7) Origin

8) Destination

9) TicketId

10) Remarks

2) GetChangeRequestStatus ()

This method is used to check the Cancellation status using change request id and also to know cancellation charges and refunded amount. Refunded Amount, Cancellation Charges and the ServiceTaxOnRAF nodes would be provided in the response only after successful cancellation.

Mandatory Parameters



3)ChangeRequestId- to be provided in Send change request method response

Q14. What is the Meanings of Ticket Status

1.     Failed = 0 If you have received status as failed 0 , then your booking has not been made and failed due to any reason so in this case we request you to call get booking details method to verify the exact status of your ticket.

2.     Successful = 1 Your ticket has been created successfully.

3.     NotSaved = 2  Your ticket has not been saved due to any reason and in this case you can call our operation team and also call get booking details method to verify the exact status of your ticket.

4.     NotCreated = 3 Your ticket has not been created due to any reason and in this case you can call our operation team and also call get booking details method to verify the exact status of your ticket.

5.     NotAllowed = 4 This error comes from supplier end so you need to contact us

6.     InProgress = 5   your ticket is in progress state so in this case we request you to call get booking details method to verify the exact status of your ticket

7.     TicketeAlreadyCreated= 6 This ticket is already created with Same PNR.

8.     PriceChanged = 8 in this case you would have received “IsPriceChanged”: True in book or ticket response so you need to pass same request again with updated price.

9.     OtherError = 9 In this case please send us request and response logs and will check same and update you reason for the error.

Q15. How to implement GST In Boking Process

We need to validate both IsGSTMandatory and GSTAllowed node or just the IsGSTMandatory:

If you are getting “GSTAllowed” true then you may or may not send GST details of the passenger but if you're getting “IsGSTMandatory” node 'true' then GST details are mandatory to be passed with lead passenger details, else booking will be failed.

There may be case that you receive “GSTAllowed” true and “IsGSTMandatory” false, so in that case GST details are not mandatory to be passed with passenger details.

Q16. Domestic Return Type Segments for Both Lcc and Non LCC

In case of Domestic Round Trip Search the inbound and outbound flights are provided under different result index(OB and IB), but in case of International both inbound and outbound flights are provided under one result index only. Also every method need to call twice in case of domestic return and 2 PNR’s will be generated, for Non-LCC all method need to call single time and one PNR will be generated

Q17. For Certification Process Sectors that would provide response on test Server

a. For Domestic you can try for DELà BOM, DELà BLR or BLRà BOM.

b. For International you can try for DELà DXB, or DELà BKK.

Q18. Duplicate Booking Validation.

You cannot make a duplicate booking within next 5 days of original Booking.

Q19. Token Id Validation

You need to generate only 1 token id in a single day as it is valid from "00:00:00 AM" till "11:59:59 PM" and same can be used for any API’s and on any server.

Q20. For receiving Flights that have Auto Ticketing as True

you can pass a new node of   "AutoTicketingOnly":true in Search request to not receive airlines that do not allow auto

ticketing in ticket method that is get results only for those validating airlines for which auto ticketing is allowed at our end. 

Q21. What is the flow of passing request in Air API?

For LCC : Authenticate-->Search-->FareRule-->FareQuote-->SSR(optional)-->Ticket-->GetBookingDetails.

For Non LCC: Authenticate-->Search-->FareRule-->FareQuote-->SSR(optional)-->Book-->Ticket-->GetBookingDetails.

Q22. What nodes are not required to be passed in case of Infant?

In case of Infant Seat & baggage node is not required to be passed, meal can be selected.

Q23. How to define a flight is domestic or international?

It depends on Origin and destination if both are within India it is domestic else it is international.

Q24. How to pass SSR(Seat, Meal & Baggage) in LCC and Non LCC flight?

In case of LCC flights the nodes will be passed as SeatDynamic, MealDynamic and Baggage in Ticket Request.

In case of Non LCC flights the nodes will be passed as Seat, Meal in Book Request as received in SSR response.

Baggage node is not available in Non LCC Flight.

Q25. What is mutlicity Flight and the format for multicity?

Multicity flights are the one in which we by choice want to have stop during our full journey, the stops need to be defined and the time when next flight will be taken.

Format for Multicity:

AMD--BOM dd/mm/yyy

BOM--BLR dd/mm/yyy

BLR--DEL dd/mm/yyy

Q26. Why do we use Get Agency balance method

GetAgencyBalance method can be used to know the Agency Balance in TBO Account.


1. ClientId

2. TokenAgencyId

3. TokenMemberId

4. EndUserIp

5. TokenId

Token AgencyId and Token MemberId should be passed as received in Authenticate Response

Q27. What is mutlicity Flight and the format for multicity?

Multicity flights are the one in which we by choice want to have stop during our full journey, the stops need to be defined and the time when next flight will be taken.

Format for Multicity:

AMD--BOM dd/mm/yyy

BOM--BLR dd/mm/yyy

BLR--DEL dd/mm/yyy