

This method is used to obtain the online prices of Special Service Request like Excess Baggage and Meal for LCC airlines like Indigo, Spice Jet, Air Asia, Air Arabia, Fly Dubai, etc. For LCC Airlines which currently do not support online SSR requests, the SSR request will not return Excess Baggage and meal charges. To avail excess baggage and meal services, the selected baggage and meal needs to be passed in the ticket request with the applicable price. The total price deducted during ticketing would be addition of Offered Fare + Excess Baggage and Meal Charges.

This method is also accessed to get available meal and seat options for Non LCC airlines. For Non LCC carriers the meal and seat options received in the SSR response are indicative only and may be added in the ticket request for availing the same. The given information is passed to the GDS/ airline and depending on the availability, the same is provided to the customer. Non LCC airlines do not provide online confirmation for the meal and seat option selected by the customer.

NOTE : In case of Fly Dubai and all the International LCC, the free baggage should be added from the SSR response to the ticket request then only you will be able to to avail yourself with the benefit. If in case the free baggage is not selected from SSR response with Price node 0 then no free or default baggage would be provided from the airline end. For Ex : 20 kg, 30 kg and 40 kg baggage are included in the fare only until and unless you will not select the this baggage in the ticket request you will not be able to avail yourself with the same.

NOTE : In case of return sector, if you need to have baggage only for one segment in that case you need to add both the objects for inbound and outbound in an array format.

Service URL (REST) to be used:
SSR Request
Level Element Format Comments Mandatory/ Optional
1 EndUserIp String IP Address of the end user Mandatory
2 TokenId String Token ID Mandatory(Token Id to be echoed back from Authenticate response)
3 TraceId String Trace Id Mandatory(Trace Id to be echoed back from search response. This can be used to trace particular search/ book at TBO’s end)
4 ResultIndex String Result Index Mandatory
SSR Response For LCC
Level Element Format Comments Mandatory/ Optional
1 TraceId String Trace Id Mandatory
2 ResponseStatus String Response status Mandatory[NotSet = 0,Successfull = 1,Failed = 2,InValidRequest = 3,InValidSession = 4,InValidCredentials = 5]
3 Baggage[]
3.1 WayType Integer Way type Mandatory[NotSet = 0Segment = 1FullJourney = 2]
3.2 Code String Baggage code Mandatory
3.3 Weight String Baggage weight Mandatory
3.4 Currency String Currency Mandatory
3.5 Price Decimal Baggage price Mandatory
3.6 Origin String Origin Mandatory
3.7 Destination String Destination Mandatory
3.8 AirlineCode String Airline Code Mandatory
3.9 FlightNumber String Flight Number Mandatory
3.10 Description String Description Mandatory[NotSet = 0,Included = 1,Direct = 2(Purchase),Imported = 3,UpGrade = 4ImportedUpgrade = 5]In case of Included, baggage can be upgraded (if upgrade baggage option exists)And In case of Direct, baggage can't be upgraded.
3.11 Text String Detailed Description 30 KG INTL Connecting Flights Baggage
4 MealDynamic[]
4.1 WayType String Way Type Mandatory[Segment = 1,FullJourney = 2]
4.2 Code String Meal Code Mandatory
4.3 Description String Description Mandatory[Included = 1 (The fare includes the Meal), Direct = 2(The Meal charges are added while making the ticket), Imported = 3,(Meal charges are added while importing the ticket.)]
4.4 AirlineDescription String Meal description Mandatory
4.5 Quantity String Meal quantity Mandatory
4.6 Price Decimal Meal Price Mandatory
4.7 Currency String Currency Mandatory
4.8 Origin String String Mandatory
4.9 Destination String Destination Mandatory
4.10 AirlineCode String Airline Code Mandatory
4.11 FlightNumber String Flight Number Mandatory
5 SeatDynamic[]
5.1 SegmentSeat[] Mandatory
5.2 RowSeats[]
5.3 Seats[]
5.3.1 AirlineCode String Airline Code Mandatory
5.3.2 FlightNumber String Flight Number Mandatory
5.3.3 CraftType String Craft Type Eg A320 Mandatory
5.3.4 Origin String String Mandatory
5.3.5 Destination String Destination Mandatory
5.3.6 AvailablityType String SeatAvailalblityType Mandatory [Notset = 0, Open = 1, Reserved = 3, Blocked = 4, NoSeatAtThisLocation = 5]
5.3.7 Description String Mandatory[Included = 1 (The fare includes the Seat), Purchase = 2 (The Seat charges are added while making the ticket)]
5.3.8 Code String Seat code Mandatory
5.3.9 RowNo String Row No of Seat Mandatory
5.3.10 SeatNo String SeatNo Mandatory
5.3.11 SeatType String Seat Type Mandatory[Window = 1,Aisle = 2,Middle = 3]
5.3.12 SeatWayType String SeatWayType Mandatory[Segment = 1,FullJourney = 2]
5.3.13 Compartment String Compartment Mandatory[Compartment1 = 1, Compartment2 = 2, Compartment3 = 3 etc]
5.3.14 Deck String Deck Mandatory[Deck1 = 1,Deck2 = 2,Deck3 = 3]
5.3.15 Currency String Currency Mandatory
5.3.13 Price Decimal Seat Price Mandatory
6 Error
6.1 ErrorCode Integer Code corresponding to the Error Mandatory
6.2 ErrorMessage String Contains error message Mandatory(Will contain error description corresponding to ErrorCode. Error Message would be blank in case ErrorCode=0)
SSR Response For Non LCC
Level Element Format Comments Mandatory/ Optional
1 TraceId String Trace Id Mandatory(Trace Id to be echoed back in further requests)
2 ResponseStatus String Response status Mandatory[NotSet = 0,Successfull = 1,Failed = 2,InValidRequest = 3,InValidSession = 4,InValidCredentials = 5]
3 SeatPreference
3.1 Code String Seat code Mandatory
3.2 Description String Seat description Mandatory
4 Meal
4.1 Code String Meal code Mandatory
4.2 Description String Meal description Mandatory
5 Error
5.1 ErrorCode Integer Code corresponding to the Error Mandatory
5.2 ErrorMessage String Contains error message Mandatory(Will contain error description corresponding to ErrorCode. Error Message would be blank in case ErrorCode=0)