Result Index Update
In the Search Response We have done changes in the Result Index value
Earlier we are returning the ResultIndex as OB/IB
Now the Result index will be reflect as a encrypted value, which client need to pass in further requests.
There is no changes in the Flow, the Flow will work as it is.
Below is the response which client received:
"FirstNameFormat": null,
"IsBookableIfSeatNotAvailable": false,
"IsHoldAllowedWithSSR": false,
"LastNameFormat": null,
"ResultIndex": "OB2[TBO]aQL8Cu2CvJfmTagPYiFQXzCE6jkoEmMoyt/OTpPNNqcI+60xBJu1+DE9SNqLF9Gv0qjS/I9EI1oWTCaOZxbW3APYP4SuyV93yFzQHlFC5wx+hdpOnYjBW+ZYu00Zox3oNEDpGqjtbXvoU0xv6sUXqMDJe8BV9RYiwMiI49BDE96prX3VwOYqeC385e6l/RJxB7LHnqjWMdky1DlXu03uZ1RPLdhE9f5Bcy+Mz5F+NYW777ZBbaAwro2D8+8UVuPfMCC5lDr0VSnQMbKvJDqwqQZUqxfVhfAcdPQ7MCVLMm6nO+ysQ3zW5peBfY8yp3yK5AO0Q2GsiL5WjEaz6FyzgdxBwTS2PrGUe1Z67rkaz9C/CAxaZUqUfUVzc2rpMQdrc2yG1Hq9GkfLcMxKwCIJhOdpgLO4CFAM5CRtkdfwd4FWyPtG96l4bsTOkShjc7bS1AHbvqlnhYqoN9J0UJCjHg==",
"Source": 34,
"IsLCC": true,
"IsRefundable": true,
"IsPanRequiredAtBook": false,
"IsPanRequiredAtTicket": false,
"IsPassportRequiredAtBook": false,
"IsPassportRequiredAtTicket": false,
"GSTAllowed": true,
"IsCouponAppilcable": true,
"IsGSTMandatory": false,
"AirlineRemark": "SG- P SGP.",
"IsPassportFullDetailRequiredAtBook": false,
"ResultFareType": "RegularFare",
"Fare": {
"Currency": "INR",
"BaseFare": 3150,
"Tax": 1382,
"TaxBreakup": [
"key": "K3",
"value": 0
"key": "YQTax",
"value": 0
"key": "YR",
"value": 0
"key": "PSF",
"value": 0
"key": "UDF",
"value": 0
"key": "INTax",
"value": 0
"key": "TransactionFee",
"value": 0
"key": "OtherTaxes",
"value": 0
"YQTax": 0,
"AdditionalTxnFeeOfrd": 0,
"AdditionalTxnFeePub": 0,
"PGCharge": 0,
"OtherCharges": 0,
"ChargeBU": [
"key": "TBOMARKUP",
"value": 0
"value": 0
"value": 0
"value": 0
"Discount": 0,
"PublishedFare": 4532,
"CommissionEarned": 0,
"PLBEarned": 0,
"IncentiveEarned": 0,
"OfferedFare": 4532,
"TdsOnCommission": 0,
"TdsOnPLB": 0,
"TdsOnIncentive": 0,
"ServiceFee": 0,
"TotalBaggageCharges": 0,
"TotalMealCharges": 0,
"TotalSeatCharges": 0,
"TotalSpecialServiceCharges": 0
"FareBreakdown": [
"Currency": "INR",
"PassengerType": 1,
"PassengerCount": 1,
"BaseFare": 3150,
"Tax": 1382,
"TaxBreakUp": [
"key": "YQTax",
"value": 0
"key": "YR",
"value": 0
"YQTax": 0,
"AdditionalTxnFeeOfrd": 0,
"AdditionalTxnFeePub": 0,
"PGCharge": 0,
"SupplierReissueCharges": 0
"AirlineCode": "SG",
"ValidatingAirline": "SG",
"FareClassification": {
"Color": "lightBlue",
"Type": "Publish"