
Sample Verification

Search Criteria: Domestic Return (2Adult + 1 Child + 1 Infant)

1. Token and TraceId should be the same throughout the booking.

2. Search criteria should be the same as per the sample test case.

3. The result index should be the same throughout the booking.

4. LeadPax node will be true for only one passenger.

5. Gender, Title, AddressLine1, City, CountryCode, Nationality, CountryName node should be passed for all passengers.

6. Title node should be passed according to Gender node passed earlier.

Eg. Mr should be passed in Title node, when gender node value is 1.

7. The male infant’s title should be passed “Mstr”.

8. In the case of LCC, SSR(Meal/Baggage/Seat) should be passed in array [ { } ] whereas in the case of Non-LCC SSR should be passed in string { } .

  • If SSR is required then pass all values as per SSR response else do not pass blank nodes.
  • For Infant, only Meal is available in SSR. ( Baggage and Seat is not available )
  • 9. DOB & Passsport details are optional in case of domestic LCC but mandatory in case of International LCC & NON-LCC in which DOB & Passport details can be passed in Book or Ticket method. However DOB of Child and Infant are mandatory for all the cases.

    10. In the "Ticket" request pass the base fare and tax by dividing the number of passengers after referring fare breakdown array in the “Fare Quote” response.

    For example:  If Base Fare received is 1000 and passenger count is 2 irrespective pax type then divide 1000 by 2 and then pass 500 for each passenger in ticket request and the same process needs to be followed for the tax node.

    The flow of passing request in Air API.

    1. For LCC


    1. For Non-LCC
