This method is required to re-price the selected itinerary. This method is also accessed to sell/ hold seats for LCC airlines. This is required to make sure that we have the updated price including tax because in some cases, the fare provided at the time of search may change.
Please consider below calculations for AIR:
Published Fare : BaseFare + Tax + OtherCharges + ServiceFee + AdditionalTxnFeepub + AirlineTransFee
7054 = 3596+2966+492+0+0+0
Offered Fare : Published Fare - (CommissionEarned + IncentiveEarned + PLBEarned + AdditionalTxnFeePub)
6822.12 = 7054 - (85 + 88 + 0 + 0)
Net Payable (Invoice Amount) : Published Fare – (CommissionEarned + IncentiveEarned + PLBEarned + AdditionalTxnFeePub) + (TdsOnCommission + TdsOnIncentive + TdsOnPLB) + GST(IGSTAmount+CGSTAmount+SGSTAmount+CessAmount)
6,914.02 = 7054 - (85+59.7+88.03+0) + (33.66 +23.88+35.21) + ( GST not applicable in this case)
Service URL (REST) to be used: