

This method is used to cancel hold bookings, send change request of Ticketed Booking and get change request status. SendChangeRequest can be sent for full booking cancellation or for partial cancellation (passenger wise cancellation or sector wise cancellation. All TicketId's must be sent in case of full booking cancellation.

This method is used to release Hold Bookings which you do not want to ticket.

Service URL (REST) to be used:
Release PNR Request
LevelElementFormatCommentsMandatory/ Optional
1EndUserIpStringIP Address of the end userMandatory
2TokenIdStringToken IDMandatory
3BookingIdIntegerUnique Booking IdMandatory
4SourceStringAirline SourcesMandatory
Release PNR Response
LevelElementFormatCommentsMandatory/ Optional
1TraceIdStringTrace IDMandatory
2ResponseStatEnumerationResponse StatusMandatory
us[NotSet = 0,
Successfull = 1,
Failed = 2,
InValidRequest = 3,
InValidSession = 4,
InValidCredentials = 5]
3.1ErrorCodeIntegerCode corresponding toMandatory
the Error
3.2ErrorMessageStringContains error messageMandatory
(Will contain error description corresponding to ErrorCode. Error Message would be blank in case ErrorCode=0)