
Hotel Validation

Passenger Details Validation

  • Below nodes are mandatory:
  • If in HotelRoomDetails response "RequireAllPaxDetails" node is false then for lead pax all above details need to pass and for all other guests only name and for child, age and name need to pass.
  • However if "RequireAllPaxDetails" is True in HotelRoomDetails response then in Book request all details need to be pass for all the guests.

    GetBookingDetail Validation

  • If in any case or due to any network latency you did not receive any Book response then please call GetBookingDetail method using trace id before proceeding to make another ticket.
  • {
    "TraceId" : "",
    "TokenId" : "",
    "EndUserIp" : ""

    Token ID & Trace ID Validation

  • Use single token in a day as it is valid for 24 hours, so generate a token between 12:05 AM to 12:30 AM and it can be used up to 12:30 AM next day. Do not generate token id with every search.

  • If the existing token got expire or you get the INVALID SESSION error with "ErrorCode":3 then please generate a fresh token and proceed for the booking.

  • One booking should be created using single Trace Id in all the methods. Also note that Trace Id is valid only for 15 minutes.

  • AvailabilityType Validation

  • In the Block response if the Availability Type is : Available then do not proceed with book method online, make the booking manually by communicating with our operations team.
  • Price, Cancellation and Hotel Name Change Validation

  • In case of price change follow below steps-

    - If price change received true in Block response then hit Book request with updated price.
    - If price change received true in Book response then hit Book request again with updated price.

  • Always verify name of Hotel in response of all methods as it may change in Block Room method.
  • Search and Book URL Validation

  • Search and Book Url's are different so use each Url's accordingly for each method. For example refer below url's-
  • Search


    Booking Under Cancellation Validation

  • If Booking is under cancellation i.e. cancellation date has been passed without charges then booking can not be hold and need to voucher directly by passing IsVoucherBooking true in Book Request.
  • Room Combination Validation

    In the GetHotelRoom response two types of Room combinations are provided fixed and open. Below is the explanation and eg.

  • "Room Combination" as "Open Combination”: In open Combination, if you have passed the request for 2 rooms then you will get two arrays of "Room Index". For eg. In "Room Combination" array you have received 2 arrays one is [1,2,3] and second is [4,5,6]. Then you can pass "RoomIndex" for both rooms in "BlockRoom" request as [1,4] or [1,5] or [1,6] or [2,4] or [2,5] or [2,6] or [3,4] or [3,5] or[3,6] that is first room index should be picked from first array(any room) and second room index should be picked from the second array(any room).

  • "Room Combination" as "Fixed Combination": In fixed Combination if you have passed request for 2 rooms then you will receive 2 arrays of "Room Index" in "Room Combination" array like [1,2] and [3,4] then you can pass "RoomIndex" for both rooms in "BlockRoom" request as [1,2] or [3,4] that is you need to select room index for both rooms from single array only.
  • Package Fare Validation

    Please consider below points for clarification:

    In Block Response: 

    Two nodes will be provided "IsPackageDetailsMandatory": true and "IsPackageFare": true. If "IsPackageDetailsMandatory" is true then "IsPackageFare" will always be received true. But if "IsPackageFare" is true then "IsPackageDetailsMandatory" can be true or false.

    In Book Request:

    In case you receive "IsPackageFare": true in Block response then you need to pass same in Book Request. Additionally if you get IsPackageDetailsMandatory": true in Block Response then following details need to be passed in Book request.

    "ArrivalTransportType": 0, (Flight = 0, surface = 1)
    "TransportInfoId": "Ab 777",
    "Time": "2019-05-21T18:18:00"

    The above transport details are not static, it should be pass according to the client and the specific booking.

    For Example:
    If the client is reaching the hotel by flight then pass "ArrivalTransportType": 0, in "TransportInfoId" pass the flight number and in "Time" pass the time of the flight & vice versa for the surface details.

    Pan & Passport Validation

    There are two new nodes which you will be receiving in Get Hotel Room response and you need to integrate same as per below:

    GetHotelRoom Response:

    1. In GetHotelRoom Response you will be receiving following nodes.


    i) If Nationality in Hotel Search Request is Indian then you will receive below nodes in Room Response.

    "IsPassportMandatory" : false
    "IsPANMandatory" : true

    ii) If Nationality in Hotel Search Request is Non-Indian then you will receive below nodes in Room Response.

    "IsPassportMandatory" : true
    "IsPANMandatory" : false

    Book Request:

    In Book Method Request you need to send following nodes.

    i). If "IsPANMandatory" : true then pass PAN number as per below.

    "PAN": "EBQPS3333T" (PAN should be in correct format)

    ii). if "IsPassportMandatory" : true then pass Passport details as per below.

    "PassportNo": "G76565434",
    "PassportExpDate": "2035-10-21T00:00:00"

    iii). If you are passing corporate PAN number then send below node as true.

    "IsCorporate": true

    Search Method Validation

  • Invalid NoOfNights in request: Maximum number of nights can be passed 31 in search request.
  • CheckInDate must be greater than current Date.
  • No data found for CityId: 0: Valid City data should be mapped at client end.
  • Invalid CountryCode: Correct City and Country data sholud mapped at client end.
  • TokenID can not be Null or Empty: Client should be authenticated on our Server and have valid token before hitting search request.
  • NoOfChild cannot be more than 4.
  • No of Room mismatched with Room Guest details.
  • ChildAge is mandatory when number of child is greater than 0.
  • Always use the new hotel city id to make the booking and prepare the test cases.