
GetBookingDetail Request

  "EndUserIp": "",
  "TokenId": "f2fXXX-XXf3-4XXX-9XX-0XXXXd",
  "TraceId": "u2fXXX-XXr3-4XXX-9XX-0XXXXd"


  "BookingId": "12345",
  "EndUserIp": "",
  "TokenId": "f2fXXX-XXf3-4XXX-9XX-0XXXXd"

GetBookingDetail Response


"IntHotelPassportDetails": null,

"HotelPolicyDetail": "As per the ",

"InvoiceNo": null,

"InvoiceCreatedOn": null,

"BookingHistory": [


"EventCategory": 1,

"CreatedOn": "2022-11-27T11:42:04",

"CreatedBy": 62068,

"LastModifiedOn": "2022-11-27T11:42:04",

"LastModifiedBy": 62068,

"Remarks": "Booking is Confirmed.(Booked by Auto), through New BookingEngineService). through CRX System Service | IP Address :- | MSDTC : OFF ",

"BookingId": 1667934,

"CreatedByName": "arpit jaiswal",

"LastModifiedByName": "arpit jaiswal"



"BookingSource": "TBOHApi3",

"GuestNationality": "IN",

"IsCorporate": true,

"AgentRemarks": "",

"GSTIN": null,

"CreditNoteGSTIN": null,

"ValidationInfo": {

"ValidationAtVoucher": {

"IsPANMandatory": true,

"IsPassportMandatory": true,

"IsSamePANForAllAllowed": true,

"IsCrpPANMandatory": true,

"IsCrpPassportMandatory": true,

"IsCrpSamePANForAllAllowed": true,

"IsEmailMandatory": false,

"IsCorporateBookingAllowed": true,

"IsAgencyOwnPANAllowed": true,

"NoOfPANRequired": 5



"IsPANInvalid": true,

"VoucherStatus": false,

"ResponseStatus": 1,

"HotelConfirmationNo": null,

"Error": {

"ErrorCode": 0,

"ErrorMessage": ""


"HotelId": 115882,

"HotelName": "Zain International Hotel",

"HotelCode": "1139836",

"TBOHotelCode": "1139836",

"TraceId": "e79cc38f-f207-4ec6-9775-c48642d428f7",

"StarRating": 3,

"Status": 1,

"AddressLine1": "Al Rigga Road, Deira,Dubai,AE",

"HotelBookingStatus": "Confirmed",

"AddressLine2": "Phone No: (971) 42222202\n Fax : 00971 04 2222205",

"Latitude": "25.264481",

"CountryCode": "AE",

"ConfirmationNo": "O1MMZG(7900993740905)",

"Longitude": "55.317781",

"IsPriceChanged": false,

"BookingRefNo": "282540838439878,794061552213887",

"City": "Dubai",

"CityId": 115936,

"IsCancellationPolicyChanged": false,

"BookingId": 1667934,

"CheckInDate": "2022-12-31T00:00:00",

"InitialCheckInDate": "2022-12-31T00:00:00",

"CheckOutDate": "2023-01-01T00:00:00",

"InitialCheckOutDate": "2023-01-01T00:00:00",

"LastCancellationDate": "2022-12-16T23:59:59",

"LastVoucherDate": "2022-12-16T23:59:59",

"NoOfRooms": 2,

"HotelRoomsDetails": [


"RoomId": 130275,

"HotelPassenger": [


"Title": "Mr.",

"FirstName": "arpit",

"MiddleName": null,

"LastName": "jasii",

"Email": null,

"PaxType": 1,

"LeadPassenger": true,

"Age": 0,

"PassportNo": null,

"PassportIssueDate": null,

"PassportExpDate": null,

"Phoneno": "1244998999",

"PaxId": 163888,

"GSTCompanyAddress": null,

"GSTCompanyContactNumber": null,

"GSTCompanyName": null,

"GSTNumber": null,

"GSTCompanyEmail": null,

"PAN": "AAACD1952B",

"GuardianDetail": null



"Title": "Mr.",

"FirstName": "kuma",

"MiddleName": null,

"LastName": "jalue",

"Email": null,

"PaxType": 1,

"LeadPassenger": false,

"Age": 0,

"PassportNo": null,

"PassportIssueDate": null,

"PassportExpDate": null,

"Phoneno": null,

"PaxId": 163889,

"GSTCompanyAddress": null,

"GSTCompanyContactNumber": null,

"GSTCompanyName": null,

"GSTNumber": null,

"GSTCompanyEmail": null,

"PAN": null,

"GuardianDetail": null



"AdultCount": 2,

"ChildCount": 0,

"RequireAllPaxDetails": false,

"RoomStatus": 0,

"AvailabilityType": "NotAvailable",

"RoomIndex": 1,

"RoomTypeCode": "202300773|",

"RoomTypeName": "Standard Twin Room,2 Twin Beds,Smoking",

"RoomDescription": "Standard Twin Room,2 Twin Beds,Smoking",

"RatePlanCode": "202300773|211870525|37341|127",

"RatePlan": 0,

"DayRates": [


"Amount": 8772.07,

"Date": "2022-12-31T00:00:00"



"IsPerStay": false,

"SupplierPrice": null,

"Price": {

"CurrencyCode": "INR",

"RoomPrice": 8772.07,

"Tax": 1970.87,

"ExtraGuestCharge": 0.0,

"ChildCharge": 0.0,

"OtherCharges": 6016.28,

"Discount": 0.0,

"PublishedPrice": 16759.22,

"PublishedPriceRoundedOff": 16759.0,

"OfferedPrice": 16759.22,

"OfferedPriceRoundedOff": 16759.0,

"AgentCommission": 0.0,

"AgentMarkUp": 0.0,

"ServiceTax": 0.0,

"TDS": 0.0,

"TCS": 0.0,

"ServiceCharge": 0.0,

"TotalGSTAmount": 1684.93,

"GST": {

"IGSTAmount": 1083.02,

"SGSTAmount": 0.0,

"CGSTAmount": 0.0,

"CessAmount": 601.91,

"CessRate": 10.00,

"CGSTRate": 0.00,

"SGSTRate": 0.00,

"IGSTRate": 18.00,

"TaxableAmount": 6016.28



"RoomPromotion": "Private sale: save 10%|",

"Amenities": [

"Free WiFi"


"Amenity": [

"Free WiFi"


"SmokingPreference": "NoPreference",

"BedTypes": [


"HotelSupplements": [


"SupplementId": "7|1",

"Name": "mandatory_tax",

"SupplementChargeType": 3,

"Price": 10.0000,

"Currency": "AED"



"LastCancellationDate": "2022-12-16T23:59:59",

"CancellationPolicies": [


"FromDate": "2022-11-27T00:00:00",

"ToDate": "2022-12-16T23:59:59",

"ChargeType": 1,

"Currency": "INR",

"Charge": 0.0



"FromDate": "2022-12-17T00:00:00",

"ToDate": "2022-12-20T23:59:59",

"ChargeType": 2,

"Currency": "INR",

"Charge": 100.0000



"FromDate": "2022-12-21T00:00:00",

"ToDate": "2023-01-01T23:59:59",

"ChargeType": 2,

"Currency": "INR",

"Charge": 100.0000



"LastVoucherDate": "2022-12-16T23:59:59",

"CancellationPolicy": "Standard Twin Room,2 Twin Beds,Smoking#^#No cancellation charge, If cancelled between 27-Nov-2022 00:00:00 and 16-Dec-2022 23:59:59.|100.00% of total amount will be charged, If cancelled between 17-Dec-2022 00:00:00 and 20-Dec-2022 23:59:59.|100.00% of total amount will be charged, If cancelled between 21-Dec-2022 00:00:00 and 01-Jan-2023 23:59:59.|#!#",

"Inclusion": [

"Free WiFi"


"IsPassportMandatory": false,

"IsPANMandatory": true



"RoomId": 130276,

"HotelPassenger": [


"Title": "Mr.",

"FirstName": "ARPIT",

"MiddleName": null,

"LastName": "Shyam",

"Email": null,

"PaxType": 1,

"LeadPassenger": true,

"Age": 0,

"PassportNo": null,

"PassportIssueDate": null,

"PassportExpDate": null,

"Phoneno": null,

"PaxId": 163890,

"GSTCompanyAddress": null,

"GSTCompanyContactNumber": null,

"GSTCompanyName": null,

"GSTNumber": null,

"GSTCompanyEmail": null,

"PAN": null,

"GuardianDetail": null



"Title": "Mr.",

"FirstName": "jai",

"MiddleName": null,

"LastName": "kumar",

"Email": null,

"PaxType": 1,

"LeadPassenger": false,

"Age": 0,

"PassportNo": null,

"PassportIssueDate": null,

"PassportExpDate": null,

"Phoneno": null,

"PaxId": 163891,

"GSTCompanyAddress": null,

"GSTCompanyContactNumber": null,

"GSTCompanyName": null,

"GSTNumber": null,

"GSTCompanyEmail": null,

"PAN": null,

"GuardianDetail": null



"AdultCount": 2,

"ChildCount": 0,

"RequireAllPaxDetails": false,

"RoomStatus": 0,

"AvailabilityType": "NotAvailable",

"RoomIndex": 2,

"RoomTypeCode": "202300773|",

"RoomTypeName": "Standard Twin Room,2 Twin Beds,Smoking",

"RoomDescription": "Standard Twin Room,2 Twin Beds,Smoking",

"RatePlanCode": "202300773|211870525|37341|127",

"RatePlan": 0,

"DayRates": [


"Amount": 8772.07,

"Date": "2022-12-31T00:00:00"



"IsPerStay": false,

"SupplierPrice": null,

"Price": {

"CurrencyCode": "INR",

"RoomPrice": 8772.07,

"Tax": 1970.87,

"ExtraGuestCharge": 0.0,

"ChildCharge": 0.0,

"OtherCharges": 6016.28,

"Discount": 0.0,

"PublishedPrice": 16759.22,

"PublishedPriceRoundedOff": 16759.0,

"OfferedPrice": 16759.22,

"OfferedPriceRoundedOff": 16759.0,

"AgentCommission": 0.0,

"AgentMarkUp": 0.0,

"ServiceTax": 0.0,

"TDS": 0.0,

"TCS": 0.0,

"ServiceCharge": 0.0,

"TotalGSTAmount": 1684.93,

"GST": {

"IGSTAmount": 1083.02,

"SGSTAmount": 0.0,

"CGSTAmount": 0.0,

"CessAmount": 601.91,

"CessRate": 10.00,

"CGSTRate": 0.00,

"SGSTRate": 0.00,

"IGSTRate": 18.00,

"TaxableAmount": 6016.28



"RoomPromotion": "Private sale: save 10%|",

"Amenities": [

"Free WiFi"


"Amenity": [

"Free WiFi"


"SmokingPreference": "NoPreference",

"BedTypes": [


"HotelSupplements": [


"SupplementId": "8|1",

"Name": "mandatory_tax",

"SupplementChargeType": 3,

"Price": 10.0000,

"Currency": "AED"



"LastCancellationDate": "2022-12-16T23:59:59",

"CancellationPolicies": [


"FromDate": "2022-11-27T00:00:00",

"ToDate": "2022-12-16T23:59:59",

"ChargeType": 1,

"Currency": "INR",

"Charge": 0.0



"FromDate": "2022-12-17T00:00:00",

"ToDate": "2022-12-20T23:59:59",

"ChargeType": 2,

"Currency": "INR",

"Charge": 100.0000



"FromDate": "2022-12-21T00:00:00",

"ToDate": "2023-01-01T23:59:59",

"ChargeType": 2,

"Currency": "INR",

"Charge": 100.0000



"LastVoucherDate": "2022-12-16T23:59:59",

"CancellationPolicy": "Standard Twin Room,2 Twin Beds,Smoking#^#No cancellation charge, If cancelled between 27-Nov-2022 00:00:00 and 16-Dec-2022 23:59:59.|100.00% of total amount will be charged, If cancelled between 17-Dec-2022 00:00:00 and 20-Dec-2022 23:59:59.|100.00% of total amount will be charged, If cancelled between 21-Dec-2022 00:00:00 and 01-Jan-2023 23:59:59.|#!#",

"Inclusion": [

"Free WiFi"


"IsPassportMandatory": false,

"IsPANMandatory": true



"BookingDate": "2022-11-27T11:42:04",

"SpecialRequest": "no",

"IsDomestic": false,

"AgentReferenceNo": "93611172",

"BookingAllowedForRoamer": true