
GetHotelRoom Details

This method is used to request room details of a particular hotel based on ‘TraceId’, ‘ResultIndex’ and ‘HotelCode’. RoomDetailsResponse consists of Amenities, Bed Type details, refined cancellation policies and other details of the hotel rooms. It also provides room combination details.

Service URL (REST) to be used:

GetHotelRoom Request
Level Element Format Comments Mandatory/ Optional
1 EndUserIp String IP Address of the end user Mandatory
2 TokenId String Token ID Mandatory (Token Id to be echoed back from Authenticate response)
3 TraceId String Trace Id Mandatory (Trace Id to be echoed back from search response. This can be used to trace particular search/ book at TBO’s end)
4 ResultIndex Integer ResultIndex Mandatory Index of the hotel for which details are to be fetched
5 HotelCode String Unique hotel code Mandatory Hotel Code for which details are to be fetched
GetHotelRoom Response
Level Element Format Comments Mandatory/ Optional
1 TraceId String Trace Id Mandatory
2 IsUnderCancellationAllowed Boolean Represents if under cancellation booking is allowed for agency or not. If true, then the agency can make under cancellation booking otherwise not. Mandatory
3 IsPolicyPerStay Boolean Represents if the cancellation policy is per stay wise or per room wise. If true, then the cancellation policy is per stay. Mandatory
4 HotelRoomDetails [ ]
4.1 RequireAllPaxDetails Boolean Represents if passenger detail is required for all guests or only for lead guest. Mandatory (If true, then details would be required for all guests. If false, then detail is required only for lead guest of each room. However, even if “RequireAllPaxDetails” is set as false, the HotelPassenger array structure is required for all guests.
4.2 RoomIndex Integer Index of the room (referenced in OptionsForBooking) Mandatory
4.3 RatePlanCode String Rate plan code associated with room Mandatory
4.4 RatePlanName String Name of the Rate plan associated with room Optional
4.5 RoomTypeCode String Room Type Code Mandatory
4.6 RoomTypeName String Room Type Name Optional
4.7 InfoSource String Shows the format to select possible multiple room combinations to book Mandatory Possible values can be FixedCombination, OpenCombination.
4.8 SequenceNo String Sequence Number of the Room Optional (Not Applicable for API Customers)
4.9 DayRates Array Per day rate breakup of the room Mandatory
4.9.1 Amount Decimal Per day price of the room Mandatory
4.9.2 Date Date Date for which day rate is applicable Mandatory Format: (dd/mm/yyyy)
4.10 Price Array Price detail of the room Mandatory
4.10.1 CurrencyCode String Currency in which minimum hotel price is returned Mandatory
4.10.2 RoomPrice Decimal Price of the room Mandatory
4.10.3 Tax Decimal Tax applicable for the room Optional
4.10.4 ExtraGuestCharge Decimal Extra Guest Charges applicable for the room Optional
4.10.5 ChildCharge Decimal Child Charges applicable for the room Optional
4.10.6 OtherCharges Decimal Other Charges applicable for the room Optional
4.10.7 Discount Decimal Discount applicable for the room Optional (Currently not in use)
4.10.8 PublishedPrice Decimal Published Price of the room Mandatory (This price would be different only if Room Price is on PUBLISHED. In case of NET, Published Price would be same as Offered Price)
4.10.9 PublishedPriceRoundedOff Integer Published Price (rounded off) of the room Mandatory (This price is for display purpose only)
4.10.10 OfferedPrice Decimal Offered Price of the room Mandatory
4.10.11 OfferedPriceRoundedOff Integer Offered Price (rounded off) of the room Mandatory (This price is for display purpose only)
4.10.12 AgentCommission Decimal Commission applicable on the Room Price Optional (TBO will part this amount if Room Price is on Published)
4.10.13 AgentMarkUp Decimal Agent Mark Up applicable on the Room Price Optional (Agent will earn this amount if Hotel markup is set from backend)
4.10.14 TDS Decimal TDS applicable on Commission Earned Optional (This would be deducted only when commission is parted to the agent)
4.11 RoomPromotion String Room promotion applicable for the room Optional
4.12 Amenities StringList List of room amenities Optional
4.13 SmokingPreference Enumeration Smoking Preference associated with room Optional - SmokingPreference NoPreference = 0, Smoking = 1, NonSmoking = 2, Either = 3
4.14 BedTypes [ ] Array Array of bed types Optional
4.14.1 BedTypeCode Integer Bed type code Optional
4.14.2 BedTypeDescription String Bed type description Optional
4.15 Supplements StringList List of supplements Optional
4.16 LastCancellationDate Date Last Cancellation Date Mandatory (No cancellation charge will be applied up to this date. If the date is less than book date then cancellation charge will be applicable as per policy) Format: (dd/mm/yyyy)
4.17 CancellationPolicies Array Array of cancellation policies Mandatory
4.17.1 Charge Decimal Cancellation charge Mandatory (Contains amount in case of Amount, Percentage value in case of Percentage, No of nights in case of Night)
4.17.2 ChargeType Enumeration Cancellation charge type Mandatory - CancellationPolicies - ChargeType Amount = 1, Percentage = 2, Nights = 3
4.17.3 BaseCurrency String Base currency of Cancellation charge Mandatory (Default currency would be INR)
4.17.4 FromDate Date Date from which charges will apply Mandatory Format: (dd/mm/yyyy)
4.17.5 ToDate Date Date up to which charges will apply Mandatory Format: (dd/mm/yyyy)
4.18 CancellationPolicy String Cancellation policy in text format Mandatory (Format: Text)
4.19 SupplierSpecificData Boolean Supplier Specific Data Optional (Not Applicable for API Customers)
4.20 RoomCombinations Array Array of Room options available to book Mandatory
4.20.1 InfoSource String Shows the format to select possible multiple room combinations to book Mandatory Possible values can be FixedCombination, OpenCombination.
4.20.2 RoomCombination Array Possible combinations of Mandatory RoomIndex IntegerArray Index of rooms which can be combined Mandatory
4.21 ResponseStatus Enumeration Response status Mandatory NotSet = 0, Successfull = 1, Failed = 2, InValidRequest = 3, InValidSession = 4, InValidCredentials = 5
4.22 Error Mandatory
4.22.1 ErrorCode Integer Code corresponding to the Error Mandatory
4.22.2 ErrorMessage String Contains error message Mandatory (Will contain error description corresponding to ErrorCode. Error Message would be blank in case ErrorCode=0)
5 IsPerStay Boolean When "IsPerStay" node true, then you will not receive array of DateRate[] Optional
6 IsPassportMandatory Boolean If Nationality in Hotel Search Request is Indian then you will receive "IsPassportMandatory" false and "IsPANMandatory" true.
If Nationality in Hotel Search Request is Non-Indian then you will receive "IsPassportMandatory" true and "IsPANMandatory" false nodes in Room Response.
Optional/Supplier Dependent
7 IsPANMandatory Boolean If Nationality in Hotel Search Request is Indian then you will receive "IsPassportMandatory" false and "IsPANMandatory" true.
If Nationality in Hotel Search Request is Non-Indian then you will receive "IsPassportMandatory" true and "IsPANMandatory" false nodes in Room Response.
Optional/Supplier Dependent