
HotelSearch Details

This section covers the methods involved in knowing basic availability of Hotels in a city, Hotel details, Availability of rooms and Cancellation policies to avoid any penalty.

This method is used to search hotels available for booking in a specific city within a date range. This method checks:

  1. General availability of hotels in a specific city. 
  1. Availability based on star rating of hotels (5 star or more, 4 star or more, etc).
  1. Availability based on Preferred Hotel. If preferred hotel is not found then all hotels in same city will be provided in response.


  1. 'RoomGuest' will repeat for multiple rooms search.
  2. Child age(s) is compulsory when search request includes child.
  3. Hotel price might vary for same Search Request with different GuestNationality.

Service URL (REST) to be used:

GetHotelResult Request
Level Element Format Comments Mandatory/ Optional
1 EndUserIp String IP Address of the end user Mandatory
2 TokenId String Token ID Mandatory (Token Id to be echoed back from Authenticate response)
3 CheckInDate Date Start Date of the requested Stay Mandatory Format: (dd/mm/yyyy)
4 NoOfNights Integer Nights of Stay Mandatory (Minimum value should be 1)
5 CountryCode String ISO Country Code of Destination (Ex. India = IN, Great Britain = GB) Mandatory
6 CityId Integer Destination City Id Mandatory
7 ResultCount Integer For restricting no. of Hotel results in search response Optional (Reserved for future use)
8 PreferredCurrency String Preferred Currency in which client is expecting price Mandatory
9 GuestNationality String ISO Country Code (Ex. India = IN, Great Britain = GB) Mandatory
10 NoOfRooms Integer Requested number of rooms Mandatory
11 RoomGuests [ ] Array Number and type of guests in a room Mandatory
11.1 NoOfAdults Integer Number of adults in the room Mandatory
11.2 NoOfChild Integer Number of children in the room Mandatory (Minimum value should be 0)
11.3 ChildAge [ ] Integer Array Child age Mandatory * (only when ChildCount is more than 0)
Filters - Can be used to refine search
12 MaxRating Integer Filter by Star Rating Mandatory (To be used only in combination with MinRating. MaxRating should be greater than or equal to MinRating. Possible values can be 0 – 5)
13 MinRating Integer Filter by Star Rating Mandatory (Can be used only in combination with MinRating. MinRating should be less than or equal to MaxRating. Possible values can be 0 – 5).
14 ReviewScore Decimal Filter by Review Score Optional (Reserved for future use)
15 IsNearBySearchAllowed Boolean To allow nearby search Optional (Reserved for future use)
GetHotelResult Response
Level Element Format Comments Mandatory/ Optional
1 TraceId String Trace ID Mandatory (Trace Id to be echoed back in further requests)
2 CheckInDate Date Start Date of the requested Stay Mandatory Format: (dd/mm/yyyy)
3 CheckOutDate Date End Date of the requested Stay Mandatory Format: (dd/mm/yyyy)
4 CityId Integer Destination City Id Mandatory
5 ResultCount Integer For restricting no. of Hotel results in search response Optional (Reserved for future use)
6 PreferredCurrency String Preferred Currency in which client is expecting price Mandatory
7 NoOfRooms Integer Requested number of Mandatory
8 RoomGuests [ ] Array of element Mandatory
8.1 NoOfAdults Integer Number of adults in the room Mandatory
8.2 NoOfChild Integer Number of children in the room Mandatory (Minimum value should be 0)
8.3 ChildAge Integer Array Child age Mandatory * (only when ChildCount is more than 0)
8.4 HotelResults [ ] Array of element Array of the unique hotel results Mandatory (Can be blank in case no hotels found for requested City)
8.5 ResultIndex Integer Result Index Mandatory
8.6 HotelCode String Unique hotel code Mandatory (HotelCode to be echoed back in further requests)
8.7 HotelName String Unique hotel Name Mandatory
8.8 HotelCategory String Hotel Category Optional
8.9 StarRating Enumeration Star Rating of the hotel Mandatory - StarRating All = 0, OneStar = 1, TwoStar = 2, ThreeStar = 3, FourStar = 4, FiveStar = 5
8.10 HotelDescription String Description of the hotel Mandatory
8.11 HotelPromotion String Promotional details of the hotel Optional
8.12 HotelPolicy String Hotel policy details Optional
8.13 HotelPicture String Hotel Image URL Mandatory
8.14 HotelAddress String Address of the hotel Mandatory
8.15 HotelContactNo String Contact Number of the hotel Optional
8.16 HotelMap String Direction Map of the hotel Optional
8.17 Latitude String Latitude inFormation of the hotel Optional
8.18 Longitude String Longitude inFormation of the hotel Optional
8.19 HotelLocation String Hotel Location Optional
8.20 Price [ ] Array Price Array Mandatory (Minimum price of the hotel rooms)
8.20.1 CurrencyCode String Currency in which minimum hotel price is returned Mandatory
8.20.2 RoomPrice Decimal Price of the room Mandatory
8.20.3 Tax Decimal Tax applicable for the room Optional
8.20.4 ExtraGuestCharge Decimal Extra Guest Charges applicable for the room Optional
8.20.5 ChildCharge Decimal Child Charges applicable for the room Optional
8.20.6 OtherCharges Decimal Other Charges applicable for the room Optional
8.20.7 Discount Decimal Discount applicable for the room Optional (Currently not in use)
8.20.8 PublishedPrice Decimal Published Price of the room Mandatory (This price would be different only if Room Price is on PUBLISHED. In case of NET, Published Price would be same as Offered Price)
8.20.9 PublishedPriceRounde dOff Integer Published Price (rounded off) of the room Mandatory (This price is for display purpose only)
8.20.10 OfferedPrice Decimal Offered Price of the room Mandatory
8.20.11 OfferedPriceRoundedO ff Integer Offered Price (rounded off) of the room Mandatory (This price is for display purpose only)
8.20.12 AgentCommission Decimal Commission applicable on the Room Price Optional (TBO will part this amount if Room Price is on Published)
8.20.13 AgentMarkUp Decimal Agent Mark Up applicable on the Room Price Optional (Agent will earn this amount if Hotel markup is set from backend)
8.20.14 ServiceTax Decimal Service tax applicable for the room Optional
8.20.15 TDS Decimal TDS applicable on Commission Earned Optional (This would be deducted only when commission is parted to the agent)
9 TripAdvisor [ ]
9.1 Rating String Trip Advisor Rating Optional (This would come only when trip advisor rating is available for the particular hotel)
9.2 ReviewURL String Trip Advisor Review URL Optional (This would come only when trip advisor rating/ url is available for the particular hotel)
10 ResponseStatus Enumeration Response status Mandatory NotSet = 0, Successfull = 1, Failed = 2, InValidRequest = 3, InValidSession = 4, InValidCredentials = 5
11 Error Mandatory
11.1 ErrorCode Integer Code corresponding to the Error Mandatory
11.2 ErrorMessage String Contains error message Mandatory (Will contain error description corresponding to ErrorCode. Error Message would be blank in case ErrorCode=0)