
HotelBook Details

Book method is called to either hold a booking or to book and voucher a booking based on the selected rooms and guest information. We strongly recommend checking the updated prices and cancellation policies for the selected rooms through BlockRoom method before proceeding with the hotel booking to reduce the probability of booking failure.

To hold a booking, the IsVouchered node should be set as false. However, all hold bookings should be vouchered by calling GenerateVoucher method before last cancellation date to avoid cancellation of confirmed booking.

To book and voucher in one go, the IsVouchered node should be set as true. In this case, there is no need to callGenerateVoucher method separately.

Price verification is done before creating a booking and Confirmation No. / Booking Reference No. is returned in case of a successful booking.

In case of Price change or Cancellation Policy change, you will get new price and/or new cancellation policy in the HotelBook response with IsPriceChanged node and/or IsCancellationPolicyChanged node set as ‘true’.

The price comparison is to be made at the client's end, and Book request needs to be sent again with the updated price and/ or updated cancellation policy.

Instead of 'Vouchered' or 'Confirmed' you might get 'Pending' as BookingStatus for some bookings. This is because some of the suppliers do not provide confirmation of the booking immediately. In this case you need to call HotelBookingDetail method after few minutes (5-10) to get the updated status.

Service URL (REST) to be used:

Book Request
Level Element Format Comments Mandatory/ Optional
1 EndUserIp String IP Address of the end user Mandatory
2 TokenId String Token ID Mandatory
3 TraceId String Trace Id Mandatory
4 ResultIndex Integer Result Index Mandatory
5 HotelCode String Unique hotel code Mandatory
6 HotelName String Unique hotel Name Mandatory
7 GuestNationality String ISO Country Code (Ex. India = IN, Great Britain = GB) Mandatory
8 NoOfRooms Integer Requested number of rooms Mandatory
9 ClientReferenceNo String Client Reference No Optional (Currently not in use)
10 IsVoucherBooking Boolean This represents whether the request is to Hold the booking or to voucher it directly. Mandatory (Set true if you want to voucher the booking. Set false, if you want to hold the booking and voucher it later)
11 HotelRoomDetails Array Array of hotel room details
11.1 RoomIndex Integer Index of the room Mandatory
11.2 RatePlanCode String Rate plan code associated with room Mandatory
11.3 RatePlanName String Name of the Rate plan associated with room Optional
11.4 RoomTypeCode String Room Type Code Mandatory
11.5 RoomTypeName String Room Type Name Mandatory
11.6 BedTypes Array Array of bed types
11.6.1 BedTypeCode Integer Bed type code Mandatory
11.6.2 BedTypeDescription String Bed type description Optional
11.7 SmokingPreference Enumeration Smoking Preference associated with room Optional - SmokingPreference NoPreference = 0, Smoking = 1, NonSmoking = 2, Either = 3
11.8 Supplements StringList List of supplements Mandatory
11.9 Price Array Price detail of the room
11.9.1 CurrencyCode String Currency in which minimum hotel price is returned Mandatory
11.9.2 RoomPrice Decimal Price of the room Mandatory
11.9.3 Tax Decimal Tax applicable for the room Mandatory
11.9.4 ExtraGuestCharge Decimal Extra Guest Charges applicable for the room Mandatory
11.9.5 ChildCharge Decimal Child Charges applicable for the room Mandatory
11.9.6 OtherCharges Decimal Other Charges applicable for the room Mandatory
11.9.7 Discount Decimal Discount applicable for the room Mandatory (Currently not in use)
11.9.8 PublishedPrice Decimal Published Price of the room Mandatory (This price would be different only if Room Price is on PUBLISHED. In case of NET, Published Price would be same as Offered Price)
11.9.9 PublishedPriceRoundedOff Integer Published Price (rounded off) of the room Mandatory (This price is for display purpose only)
11.9.10 OfferedPrice Decimal Offered Price of the room Mandatory
11.9.11 OfferedPriceRoundedOff Integer Offered Price (rounded off) of the room Mandatory (This price is for display purpose only)
11.9.12 AgentCommission Decimal Commission applicable on the Room Price Mandatory (TBO will part this amount if Room Price is on Published)
11.9.13 AgentMarkUp Decimal Agent Mark Up applicable on the Room Price Mandatory (Agent will earn this amount if Hotel markup is set from backend)
11.9.14 TDS Decimal TDS applicable on Commission Earned Mandatory (This would be deducted only when commission is parted to the agent)
11.10 HotelPassenger Array Array of guest details for in the particular room as requested in hotel search
11.10.1 Title String Title of the guest Mandatory Possible values can be Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms
11.10.2 FirstName String First name of the guest Mandatory (Min 2 chars, Max 50 chars and no special character)
11.10.3 MiddleName String Middle name of the guest Optional(Node is mandatory and value is optional)
11.10.4 LastName String Last name of the guest Mandatory (Min 2 chars, Max 50 chars and no special character)
11.10.5 Phoneno String Phone number Optional(Is Mandatory for lead Pax in each room)
11.10.6 Email String Email id Optional(Is Mandatory for lead Pax in each room)
11.10.7 PaxType Enumeration Guest Type Mandatory - HotelPassenger - PaxType Adult = 1, Child = 2
11.10.8 LeadPassenger Boolean Represent the lead guest of the booking Mandatory (Set value as true for one adult in each room and for rest paxes value will be false)
11.10.9 Age Integer Age of the guest Mandatory * (only for child and age should be <= 12 years)
11.10.10 PassportNo String Passport No Optional
11.10.11 PassportIssueDate Date Passport Issue Date Optional(provide in minimum date time  format “0001-01-  01T00:00:00:00” )
11.10.12 PassportExpDate Date Passport Expiry Date Optional(provide in minimum date time  format “0001-01-  01T00:00:00:00” )
11.10.13 PAN String PAN Optional(PAN should be in correct format)
12 IsPackageFare Boolean In case you receive "IsPackageFare": true in Block response then you need to pass same in Book Request. Optional
13 IsPackageDetailsMandatory Boolean Additionally if you get IsPackageDetailsMandatory": true in Block Response then following details need to be passed in Book request. Optional
14 ArrivalTransport ArrivalTransportType,TransportInfoId,Time Optional
14.1 ArrivalTransportType Int (0,1) Flight = 0, surface = 1 Optional
14.2 TransportInfoId String Transfer Details Optional
14.3 Time String 0001-01-01T00: 00: 00 Optional
Book Response
Book Response in Case of Successful Booking
Level Element Format Comments Mandatory/ Optional
1 VoucherStatus Boolean Voucher Status Mandatory true - Booking is vouchered false - Booking is not Vouchered
2 Status Enumeration Booking status Mandatory Possible values can be 0 – BookFailed, 1 - Confirmed, 3 – VerifyPrice, 6 – Cancelled
3 HotelBookingStatus String Booking status description Mandatory Possible values can be – BookFailed, Confirmed, VerifyPrice, Cancelled
4 BookingId Integer Unique booking id of the successful booking Mandatory
5 BookingRefNo String Booking Reference Number Mandatory
6 ConfirmationNo String Unique confirmation number of the successful booking Mandatory
7 IsPriceChanged Boolean Represent if price is changed or not Mandatory (Would be set true, if there is a price change. Would be set as false, if there is no price change)
8 IsCancellationPolicyChang ed Boolean Represent if cancellation policy is changed or not Mandatory (Would be set true, if there is a change in cancellation policy. Would be set as false, if there is no change in cancellation policy.)
9 ResponseStatus Enumeration Response status Mandatory NotSet = 0, Successfull = 1, Failed = 2, InValidRequest = 3, InValidSession = 4, InValidCredentials = 5
10 Error Object Mandatory
10.1 ErrorCode Integer Code corresponding to the Error Mandatory
10.2 ErrorMessage String Contains error message Mandatory (Will contain error description corresponding to ErrorCode. Error Message would be blank in case ErrorCode=0)
Book Response in Case of Price Change and/ or Cancellation Policy Change
Level Element Format Comments Mandatory/ Optional
1 Status Enumeration Booking status Mandatory Possible values can be 3 – VerifyPrice
2 HotelBookingStatus String Booking status description Mandatory Possible values can be - VerifyPrice
3 BookingId String Unique booking id of the successful booking Mandatory (Would be null)
4 BookingRefNo Integer Booking Reference Number Mandatory (Would be null)
5 ConfirmationNo String Unique confirmation number of the successful booking Mandatory (Would be null)
6 IsPriceChanged Boolean Represent if price is changed or not Mandatory (Would be set true, if there is a price change. Would be set as false, if there is no price change)
7 IsCancellationPolicyChang ed Boolean Represent if cancellation policy is changed or not Mandatory (Would be set true, if there is a change in cancellation policy. Would be set as false, if there is no change in cancellation policy.)
8 HotelRoomDetails Array Array of hotel room details
8.1 RoomIndex Integer Index of the room Mandatory
8.2 RatePlanCode String Rate plan code associated with room Mandatory
8.3 RatePlanName String Name of the Rate plan associated with room Optional
8.4 RoomTypeCode String Room Type Code Mandatory
8.5 RoomTypeName String Room Type Name Optional
8.6 InfoSource String Shows the format to select possible multiple room combinations to book Mandatory Possible values can be FixedCombination, OpenCombination.
8.7 SequenceNo String Sequence Number of the Room Optional
8.8 DayRates Array Per day rate breakup of the room
8.8.1 Amount Decimal Per day price of the room Mandatory
8.8.2 Date Date Date for which day rate is applicable Mandatory
8.8.3 Price Array Price detail of the room
8.8.4 CurrencyCode String Currency in which minimum hotel price is returned Mandatory
8.8.5 RoomPrice Decimal Price of the room Mandatory
8.8.6 Tax Decimal Tax applicable for the room Mandatory
8.8.7 ExtraGuestCharge Decimal Extra Guest Charges applicable for the room Mandatory
8.8.8 ChildCharge Decimal Child Charges applicable for the room Mandatory
8.8.9 OtherCharges Decimal Other Charges applicable for the room Mandatory
8.8.10 Discount Decimal Discount applicable for the room Mandatory (Currently not in use)
8.8.11 PublishedPrice Decimal Published Price of the room Mandatory (This price would be different only if Room Price is on PUBLISHED. In case of NET, Published Price would be same as Offered Price)
8.8.12 PublishedPriceRoundedOf f Integer Published Price (rounded off) of the room Mandatory (This price is for display purpose only)
8.8.13 OfferedPrice Decimal Offered Price of the room Mandatory
8.8.14 OfferedPriceRoundedOff Integer Offered Price (rounded off) of the room Mandatory (This price is for display purpose only)
8.8.15 AgentCommission Decimal Commission applicable on the Room Price Mandatory (TBO will part this amount if Room Price is on Published)
8.8.16 AgentMarkUp Decimal Agent Mark Up applicable on the Room Price Mandatory (Agent will earn this amount if Hotel markup is set from backend)
8.8.17 TDS Decimal TDS applicable on Commission Earned Mandatory (This would be deducted only when commission is parted to the agent)
8.9 RoomPromotion String Room promotion applicable for the room Optional
8.10 SmokingPreference Enumeration Smoking Preference associated with room Mandatory - SmokingPreference NoPreference = 0, Smoking = 1, NonSmoking = 2, Either = 3
8.11 Amenities StringList List of room amenities Optional
8.12 BedTypes Array Array of bed types
8.12.1 BedTypeCode Integer Bed type code Mandatory
8.12.2 BedTypeDescription String Bed type description Optional
8.13 Supplements StringList List of supplements Mandatory
8.14 SupplierSpecificData String Supplier Specific Data Optional
8.15 CancellationPolicies Array Array of cancellation policies Mandatory
8.15.1 Charge Decimal Cancellation charge Mandatory (Contains amount in case of Amount, Percentage value in case of Percentage, No of nights in case of Night)
8.15.2 ChargeType Enumeration Cancellation charge type Mandatory - CancellationPolicies - ChargeType Amount = 1, Percentage = 2, Nights = 3
8.15.3 BaseCurrency String Base currency of Cancellation charge Mandatory (Default currency would be INR)
8.15.4 FromDate Date Date from which charges will apply Mandatory Format: (dd/mm/yyyy)
8.15.5 ToDate Date Date up to which charges will apply Mandatory Format: (dd/mm/yyyy)
8.16 CancellationPolicy String Cancellation policy in text format Mandatory (Format: Text)
8.17 LastCancellationDate Date Last Cancellation Date Mandatory (No cancellation charge will be applied up to this date. If the date is less than book date then cancellation charge will be applicable as per policy) Format: (dd/mm/yyyy)
8.18 ResponseStatus Enumeration Response status Mandatory NotSet = 0, Successfull = 1, Failed = 2, InValidRequest = 3, InValidSession = 4, InValidCredentials = 5
8.19 Error Mandatory
8.19.1 ErrorCode Integer Code corresponding to the Error Mandatory
8.19.2 ErrorMessage String Contains error message Mandatory (Will contain error description corresponding to ErrorCode. Error Message would be blank in case ErrorCode=0)